Immanuel Christian School Blended Academy
After years of planning for a viable option for our nontraditional students, the Immanuel Christian School Blended Academy was born. We knew we needed to develop a quality program that met the specific needs of those students who did not necessarily fit in the traditional educational setting but still desired to be a part of the Lion family. After much prayer, planning, and research; God opened the door for the Blended Academy. The purpose of the Immanuel Christian School Blended Academy is to build a bridge with homeschool communities to learn from a biblical worldview, grow in Christ, and achieve excellence via social engagement, online learning, and extracurricular activities. Our initial pilot program will begin for the 2024-2025 school year opening for Grades 6th-10th.
At ICS, we are proud of the outstanding faith-based academic programs we have solidly in place. We understand that the traditional model of learning does not always work for every student and family. The ICS Blended Academy is an extension of the work homeschooled families and communities are implementing in their learning. We hope to provide an environment that allows for flexibility in social engagement, online learning, and extracurricular activities. Digital learning or online education is rapidly growing across the country to meet the needs of those families. Our program will meet these needs while not compromising our ICS Mission Statement to LEARN with a biblical worldview, GROW in Christ, and ACHIEVE excellence in all things.
The Immanuel Christian School Blended Academy is built on a quality online curriculum that closely matches the rigor of our traditional curriculum that is already in place at ICS. The learning environment will also have a nontraditional look to the classroom. The Blended Academy class more resembles that of a living room than a traditional classroom trading desks for sofas and tables. Blended students have a similar curriculum schedule as their traditional peers, but have much more flexibility and autonomy over which lessons, readings, and activities they complete each day. They also have the benefit of more ownership over their daily curriculum which will lead to a more independent learner.
For More Information, please contact Immanuel Christian School- (985) 385-2129
For His Glory,
Bro. David Scott
Head of School
Immanuel Christian School